Yeshua Hebrews 6:19
I am a...
Mother of 6, Five living
Cook. I don't measure
Knitter. Crocheter. Crafternooner. I don't follow directions.
Molecular Biologist. I mapped the 5th chromosome of a plant, PCR'd, looked for double mutants, and made GMO's.
Spanish speaker
Interpreter in the ER and L&D. Burns. Pig Heart Valve Transplant. Appendectomy.
Military Wife
Homeskool Mama
Breastfeeding specialist ( . )( . )
Birth Loss mama
Freebirth mama
Peanut Allergy mama
I like...
Ginger Turmeric Garlic Coconut Milk
Stick shifts
Breastmilk- it has stem cells in it.
Lake Michigan
Norge, Argentina, México, France, Holland, Italia, la República Dominicana, España, Portugal, Costa Rica
Australia, las islas galápagos, Paris, Greenland, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Israel, Morocco, South Africa, India, China, Canada, Thailand, Alaska, Hawaii, Republic of Georgia, Sweden, Japan, Greece, Peru, Philippines, Ethiopia, Bolivia
I can sing Happy Birthday in 12 languages.
Jesus Luke 12:34
As a molecular biologist, I have worked with plant DNA, bacterial plasmids, mapped a chromosome, and searched for double mutants. I love microbiology and molecules what they can do. I am a science mama, but I also have a nurturing compassionate side where I doula'd ( that's not a word. I made it up. It is now! ) as well as interpreted for birthing mamas who don't speak English - in Labor & Delivery - and been with families in the Emergency Room for every reason under the sun.
I was with a couple who had just had a miscarriage. I sat with an old man from another country, who had no one to be with him. As he waited for heart surgery, he told me about how his older brother quit school in the 6th grade and started working as a laborer with grown men in agricultural fields in order to make money to send him to school so he could have a better future. It was night and he looked out the window at the stars and sighed. He hadn't seen his brother in years and years and didn't even know where he was or if he would ever see him again.
Once, I held the hand of a girl who burned her entire external face, inside of her trachea, nostrils, eyes, eyelids, and esophagus. She couldn't speak so I just talked quietly to her and held her hand. No one came for her. No one kissed her forehead. I sat with her all night. She could have been maybe 16 years old at the most. Nobody knew; her face looked melted and she couldn't speak, open her eyes, or move. I cannot imagine the pain. I prayed the drugs they gave her worked to lessen it.
As an interpreter, I have been with mothers who labor all day and night with no nurses or doctors encouraging them or helping them by guiding them gently and giving them options for what could help ease the labor pains. I watched and felt helpless. I prayed for God to send me a way to do more. My prayers were answered when an American doula came into my patient's room once and showed me how to do more than a DOZEN things to help mothers in labor: yoga ball movements, foot points, hip squeezes, flipping, turning, walking, and even more - I can't count them all here -then with a swish of her hair, she was gone.
One of the things she did was give me a wet washcloth with lavender essential oil on it and told me to hold it on the mama's head if she liked it. It would help support her feeling peace and calming and relax her through the contractions.
She didn't know me. She had no idea what would happen the rest of the night or nearly 20 years later.
I don't even know her name.
I want to share tips and tricks, tools of the trade, things that work and things that don't.
I don't want you to make my mistakes.
I want to ease your pain.
I want to save you time so you can move forward, faster and easier, and permanently heal your Mama heart.
That woman gave me tools, tips, tricks and ideas to try.
This is what I am.
I am that woman - for you.