Hey Gorgeous Mama!
I've got a gift for you -- everything I've learned throughout my breastfeeding journey is now yours! It's ME. A live face to face with ME.
I'm like a walking, talking with my hands, breastfeeding encyclopedia of experience and wisdom and I'm still learning.
Because if I don't know the answer, I'm such a maven of connection I will source it FOR you!
For us!
For living your best life as a breastfeeding mom.
Books, babywraps, tips, tricks, bottles, pumps, what you NEED, and what you DON'T!
Start off on the right breast, or left...I mean, the right foot and get you and your husband ahead of the curve by linking arms with those women who have done it successfully!
Questions about bleeding nipples,
tongue ties,
traveling with baby,
bottle feeding breastmilk,
tattoos and piercings while breastfeeding?
I'm your go-to.
xo Annie
p.s. Thank you for taking your time and energy to fill out the Breastfeeding Clarity Chart below.
It helps me get laser focused on how I can best support you on your journey!
If it does not apply please simply type in NA.