Hi, I'm Annie Roo and I do not attend births.
...and I don't want to.

Join  my  zoom Sunday
September 25th
7-8pm mst

Even the most exhausted, spent, hungry, thirsty, depleted mama can do what I am about to propose you do.  

Maybe you aren't depleted. Maybe you have energy to make 3 meals a day. Most don't. 

The most well organized, fully fed, hydrated, mama needs friends, an ear, a shoulder to cry on, a face to look into when she shares her dreams and fears.

We are the hands and feet of Jesus when we lift up those around us.  
One day we are the ones needing the lifting; another day we lift.

Even the most well-intentioned mamas can have a hard time making friends.  Why?  Fear.

Fear of rejection. Fear of judgment.  Fear of more depletion.  Fear of trusting another.  Fear of one more flipping thing to DO.

There are baby steps standing between you and new thriving community.  Build it with me. Go as fast or slowly as you want. The timeline is yours. 

You are not alone.

About Me

Growing up an only child, I now look at the faces of my 5 living children thinking - "What are we eating for lunch?" As a military wife, having spent the past 14 years striving to create a trustworthy, breastfeeding, no-pants door-answering Mama community in 3 different homes and cities takes fxxxx energy.

I was raised in a family where MY neighbors and all my Grama's were safe havens of snacks and juice, bandaids, hugs, and help.  

We can do this TOGETHER if we all exchange - equally sharing our energy, our time, our attention, and our food.

I have done it before and I'm doing it again. Join me and do it where you are.

You deserve it.  Your children deserve it.  Your family deserves it.
Build community with me!
Be an un-birth doula like me.
Talk about why it works.