Feel free to pause and journal or reflect upon each of these questions, answering them out loud, alone or with others, on paper or with words, taking your time to process and allow the feelings and cellular healing to come from God as you access parts of your body and brain that you might never have been allowed to or been able to before. 

I bless your journey.

Different ideas for grief work processing...
Choose what feels best for you in the moment.
Invite a friend, family member, or trusted companion on your journey if you wish.
You may choose to make a womb tea with Hibiscus and Calendula Flower for emotional and sexual trauma.

Or perhaps you anoint your hair with Frankincense, Lavender, Cedarwood, or Myrrh for nervous system memory trauma and grief.

A tincture of Motherwort could be the pathway for cellular restoration during your grief journey.

Womb steaming may bring a cleansing to your body when rosemary, basil, chamomile, or hibiscus is used.

This is a grief trauma journaling process @survivor.thriving has devised.

How deep have you gone into your grief journey?

Are you ready to unlock your loss and begin the grief process?

Have you experienced a loss... but never really addressed it?

Have you never been taught how to grieve?
Have you never been allowed to grieve?
Have you always wondered how to start grieving?
What does it look like to grieve naturally?
Who will be there when you start this journey?
What do you need to open your heart?
Will it hurt?  - YES.
Will you be able to bear it? - NO, but with GOD you will.
Is it easier to lock it up and throw away the key? - THE ANSWER IS NO.

In the book Healing Oils of theBible by David Stewart, Ph.D., it says, "One of the most powerful healing aspects of essential oils is their ability to penetrate the so called 'Blood-Brain-Barrier.'  

When you breathe oil molecules into the back passages of your nose, they go straight to the brain in a central part called the amygdala (or diencephalon).  
This is the central headquarters of the limbic system, which manages your storage and filing system for all your emotional experiences.
That part of the brain does not understand words and cannot be communicated to with spoken or written language.  It responds only to smell.

Hence, essential oils provide a powerful means to contact that non-verbal portion of our brains that stores our feelings and emotions."


muting the rage
calming the storm
aiding a tantrum throwing child
quelling a hormonal moon blood mama
easing physical pain
subduing overwhelming emotions
melting anxiety
supporting fertility hormone balance
cleaning a counter
tending a wound
easing a bee sting
washing clothes
facilitating sound sleep
dissolving fear
building courage
enhancing libido
focusing attention
awakening the mind

...and bringing God closer to you as the limbic system engages with each waft of essential oil molecules into your nose and then brain via your blood.

It has been told that the women of Jesus' time were the ones to tend.  

They were his supporters, and washers of feet, wipers of tears.

In this century, the role is the same.  

The women are the ones to bring the food and drink, to come early and stay late.  

We birth the babies and tend to them no matter how hard we work during the day.   

Men have a role that God has given to them for a special time and place.

We are called for such a time as this.

It has always been the women and the Bible shows us.  

New Living Translation (NLT)

Women Who Followed Jesus

Soon afterward Jesus began a tour of the nearby towns and villages, preaching and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom of God. He took his twelve disciples with him, along with some women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases. Among them were Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast out seven demons; Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s business manager; Susanna; and many others who were contributing from their own resources to support Jesus and his disciples.

"LUKE 8:1-3


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