got prolapse?
need video help? 

 Hi, I'm Annie Roo and I help mamas create their herbal holistic lifestyle in easy DIY steps.

Join  me this summer!

My  mission  is  to  help  YOU  make HUGE changes by making baby steps at home.

Even the most exhausted, spent, hungry, thirsty, depleted mama can do what I am about to propose you do.  

Make tiny baby steps at home with a few DIY changes that will create HUGE ripple effects for you and your family!

I believe in you.
About Me

Growing up an only child, I now look at the faces of my 6 living children thinking - "What are we eating for lunch?" As a military wife, having spent the past 14 years striving to create a trustworthy, breastfeeding, no-pants door-answering Mama community in 3 different homes and cities takes fxxxx energy.

I was raised in a family where MY neighbors and all my Grama's were safe havens of snacks and juice, bandaids, hugs, and help.  

We can do this TOGETHER if we all exchange equally sharing our energy, our time, our attention, and our food.

I have done it before and I'm doing it again. Join me and do it where you are.

You deserve it.  Your children deserve it.  Your family deserves it.

Baby Step 1.
2 quick tip less than two minute videos you can watch on your laptop or phone easily, quickly, and put into practice IMMEDIATELY!

Need to help support healing of prolapsed organs?  Already know how to steam?  Did you think sitting up in a chair or on a stool would help?



How to make a steam chair yourself and why sitting isn't the best position for a rectocele/ prolapsed rectum, uterus, cervix, and cystocele/ prolapsed bladder.

How will it work?
Who will be the one to break generational chains and make heirloom memories for your future?

One small change will lead you down the pathway of creating curating cultivating THEE enormous holistic wellbeing lifestyle mothering dreams you've had swirling around.
Why does it work?
It works because you do it your way in your house in a way that works for your family.  I promise that you can do this no matter how tired you are, how hungry, how scared.  It works because I've done it.  Small town 1 stoplight, big city Denver, farm land life. 

Who is this for?  
Who is she?  Where is she?  Is it you?
Your daughter? Your sister? A friend?
The world needs this once more. It happened.  Long ago.  Women knew what to do when a pregnancy was celebrated, where to go when an herb was needed, how to grieve when a death came upon them, and what foods to make for healing heartache and broken bones.  

It is for you to create now and leave for your daughters and sons.  It is for you to make for your sister while she is pregnant so she is held when her baby comes.  It is for you to make now for your soul to survive another day!

What do I get?
  • 2 quick tip videos less than two minutes each
  • Delivered straight to your inbox
Want to get my FREE APP?  Just download "AttractWell" from your app store today!

God knit us together weaving our entire blood line from Adam and Eve through us to form our very cells.  Yes, the ones in your fingers on your cell phone and your bum if you're sitting breastfeeding, and your eyeballs reading this right now.

He wants desires and actually commands us and in fact designed us to live in fellowship with one another and the earth He created for us to heal ourselves. It got broken and we can fix it. Join me and build your heirloom future! Then, just rinse and repeat!