I am here to share all my secrets with you. Stop wasting time, energy, money, heartache, tears, and underwear!
You DESERVE to be sneeze pee free! (and cough, laugh, jump, leak, you name it pee...) It's not your fault everyone let you down. I'm here to stop the sneeze pee!
This summer belongs to you. I have had mamas take my class and be sneeze pee free in a week! Forget everyone telling you surgery is the only answer because it is NOT!
Do not buy that DVD in your shopping cart that promises weirdo positions you need to get into before you cough or laugh or sneeze in order to prevent the pee. They won't work and I'll explain why in class.
Sign up now and I'll see you soon! It's all DIY at home, easy, accessible, affordable protocols that worked for me and others.
xoxo Annie